Visa Services | Our offering
Whether you only have a little idea of your migration goals or know exactly the subclass you intend to apply for, Peak Migration can assist you with your immigration goals at a level you feel comfortable with.
The potential for costly mistakes can be enormous. Visa application fees (especially permanent visas) can run into the thousands so it's important to get any application right the first time. Business sponsors are be liable for sanctions should they not be able to meet their sponsor obligations.
The Australian visa system and our services can be grouped into the following general categories:
For skilled migrants with job opportunities, the employer sponsored visa subclasses are one of the most common used visas. They incorporate the Subclass - 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa and the Subclass 186 - Employer Nomination Scheme and Subclass 187 - Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme permanent visas.
These visa subclass are the temporary Subclass 489 - Skilled - Regional (Provisional) visa and permanent Subclass 189 - Skilled - Independent, Subclass 190 - Skilled - Nominated, and Subclass 887 - Skilled - Regional visas. Most of these visas are points-tested and applicants may want to seek state nomination or a relative to sponsor them as part of the application.
These visas are for people in relationships with Australian citizens or permanent residents who wish to migrate to Australia permanently. There is the onshore Subclass 820/801 - Partner visa, and the offshore Subclass 309/100 - Partner visa. Also, there is the Subclass 300 - Prospective Marriage visa for fiancees of Australians who plan to marry in Australia.
Provisional Subclass 188 - Business Innovation and Investment and permanent Subclass - Business Innovation and Investment visas are available to successful business owners who have an excellent record in business management, investment or entrepreneurship with enough assets and willing to invest in Australia. There is also the permanent Subclass 132 - Business Talent visa for high-performing business owners or people who have access to venture capital funding.
There are handful of visitor visas for people outside Australian wishing to travel for tourist or business visitor activities or wishing to extend their stay in Australia. There are long-term visitor visas options for parent visa applicants and a 10-year visa for certain frequent travellers.
The Subclass 485 - Temporary Graduate visa is for overseas students who have graduated from an Australian education institution to remain and work after finishing studying. There are two streams available: a Graduate Work Stream and a Post-Study Work Stream. Depending on what qualification was obtained, this visa can be granted for a period of 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, or 4 years.
There are a number of visa subclasses for parents, children and relatives of Australian citizens, permanent residents and in some cases, New Zealand citizens. Parent visas can be fast-tracked by lodging a contributory parent visa. There are also visas for adopted children, orphaned relatives, remaining relatives, aged dependent relatives and carers.
Australia's education system is highly regarded and comparable globally. There are two different visas available: the Subclass 500 - Student visa encompass varying levels of schooling from primary and secondary students to PhD candidates, and the Subclass 590 - Student Guardian visa for guardians of students younger than 18 years old to accompany them in Australia.
There are some visas that do not fit easily into a category. These include: the Subclass 124/858 - Distinguished Talent visas, various Bridging visas, the Subclass 417 - Working Holiday and Subclass 462 - Work and Holiday visa, the Subclass 408 - Temporary Activity visa, the Subclass 407 - Training visa, the Subclass 400 Short-Stay Specialist visa, and resident return visas, among others.
When visa applications are refused it may be able to be reviewed on its merits by lodging an application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Whether this is the best option, though, requires detailed analysis of the situation. Alternatively, when visa conditions have not been met, a visa may be subject to cancellation. Appeals to visa refusals or cancellations are subject to strict time limits, and need to be actioned quickly once a decision has been made.