Aged care facilities to be allowed to give International students employees more than 40 hours of work per fortnight

Hot on the heels of existing supermarket workers who are also student visa holders being allowed to work in excess of 40 hours per fortnight if this restriction applies, the acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs announced yesterday that this work concession will extend to international students in aged care facilities too, applying to residential and home care.

The acting Minister has also suggested that this might not be the end to these exceptions. In such turbulent times, he has flagged that the relaxation of visa condition 8105 and 8104 may be expanded to other sectors. He has also stated that he will consider flexibility with other temporary visas if necessary.

The same rules apply to that of supermarkets, that is, they can only be existing employees and, obviously, the same workplace laws apply to student visa holders as any other worker. Businesses must also receive authorisation before allowing student visa holders to “breach” their work restrictions.

The Department of Home Affairs has set up an online form for businesses to request this authorisation.