2019-20: 88 per cent of Australia’s migration planning levels reached, 140,366 visas granted

2019-20: 88 per cent of Australia’s migration planning levels reached, 140,366 visas granted

There were 140,366 permanent visas granted, which is 88 per cent of a total of 160,000 visas set aside for the 2019-20 migration program year. This distribution was not even as some visa programs and subclasses met their targets while others missed their mark.

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Parent visa caps unchanged but includes a bite of 125 visas for permanent retirement visas; queues set to grow

Parent visa caps unchanged but includes a bite of 125 visas for permanent retirement visas; queues set to grow

A new legislative instrument keeps the parent visas that can be granted the same for this program year, however, retirement visas take a small bite out of these numbers.

Also, read why the parent visa queues for contributory and non-contributory parent visas are expected to grow and how many parent visa applications the Department of Home Affairs have on hand.

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Retirees pathway to a permanent visa begin 17 November 2018 but only for 8 May 2018 visa holders

Retirees pathway to a permanent visa begin 17 November 2018 but only for 8 May 2018 visa holders

The anticipated pathway to a permanent visa for Subclass 405 – Investor Retirement visa and Subclass 410 – Retirement visa holders have been released. A permanent visa will only be eligible to those who held a retirement visa on 8 May 2018 and who have not held another substantive visa since that date other than a retirement visa. Instead of creating a new subclass, existing Subclass 103 – Parent visa and Subclass 143 – Contributory Parent visa subclasses will be amended to accommodate.

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Investor Retirement visa closing to new applicants on 1 June 2018, existing visa holders may continue to apply

Investor Retirement visa closing to new applicants on 1 June 2018, existing visa holders may continue to apply

From 1 June 2018, Subclass 405 - Investor Retirement visa will be closed to any new applicants other than existing 405 visa holders. With sponsorship required at the time of applying, it will be next to impossible for potential applicants not already 405 visa holders to lodge a valid application.

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