Pre-election rush: DAMAs signed for Warrnambool, Orana, South Australia

Pre-election rush: DAMAs signed for Warrnambool, Orana, South Australia

In what may be the last act by the current Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) were signed late last week for Warrnambool, Orana and South Australia. With an election looming, these agreements formalise negotiations between State and Federal Governments so local businesses can use Subclass 482 – Temporary Skill Shortage visas to fill critical skill shortages not covered by the standard business sponsor program.

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DAMA Day: Designated Area Migration Agreements - Two for SA, One for Kalgoorlie-Boulder in WA

DAMA Day: Designated Area Migration Agreements - Two for SA, One for Kalgoorlie-Boulder in WA

Three new Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) of five years in duration were confirmed yesterday: two for South Australia and one for Kalgoorlie-Boulder in Western Australia. These agreements were made to arrest population decline and fill critical skill shortages not covered by the Subclass 482 – Temporary Skill Shortage visa program under a standard business sponsorship.

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482/TSS update: major investor accreditation for standard business sponsors; aged care labour agreements; religions get assistants

482/TSS update: major investor accreditation for standard business sponsors; aged care labour agreements; religions get assistants

A flurry of announcements at the end of last week regarding the Subclass 482 – Temporary Skill Shortage visa program included adding another category for business to become accredited standard business sponsors, accepting applications for labour agreements for aged carers, and adding religious assistants to Minister of Religion labour agreements.

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PR carrot for semi-skilled workers under DAMAs, extended to south-west Victoria

PR carrot for semi-skilled workers under DAMAs, extended to south-west Victoria

Announcements made this week will see the renewal of the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) in the Northern Territory and a DAMA in south west Victoria, with more being considered. However, the bigger reveal is that these two DAMAs will come with it a pathway to a permanent visa, which is a significant development as semi-skilled workers have not been a feature of Australia’s skilled migration program for many years.

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